Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Thankfully it is almost over

Well less than 24 hours till Election Day is over, and none to soon. All the political ads will be over. I no longer have to listen to Dr. Melissa Brown and Allysin Schwarz bash each other. Frankly, anyone who refers to themselves as Doctor outside of a hospital or academic facility is too pompous to hold office. "I'm Dr. Melissa Brown, and I approved this message." What a horse's ass! And my opinion on this issue is completely non-partisan. I would not vote for anyone calling themselves Doctor, whether they be Republican, Democrat, Tory or Wig!
I also find myself dreading a long drawn out legal battle over election results. I am all for tort reform. America has become too litigious for its own good. The American dream now consists of slipping and falling on a grape in the produce section of the local supermarket. There is always going to be someone that feels the election was stolen from them. They will claim disenfranchisement, discrimination, or intimidation. How large of a margin will it take to have a clear winner in the eyes of the entire US? Will it be another four years of complaints and "Hail to the thief" signs? I hope not. I feel very strongly over who I believe will be a better leader for this country, but I will go quietly should the other candidate win. I will not abandon my beliefs, I will not deride others for their beliefs, and I will hope that the country gets along the best it can.

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