Wednesday, May 25, 2005

The Shrew is Single

Well, it finally happened. The Shrew is single. Although I don't think it occurred the way that I would have liked it to happen.
She has been fairly quiet in the past two weeks. No squealing, no yelling, no banging and moaning. I haven't heard her boyfriend over there. I guess she and he broke up. I have a feeling it was she who kicked him to the curb though, which is really not the way I wanted it to go down. Because, now she can feel superior to him. He really should have done it to her for being such a terrible human being. It justifies her behavior all these months. If he had dumped her, maybe she would have taken a good long look in the mirror and said, "You know what? I am going to change! I am not going to be a miserable bitch who screams about every little thing that goes wrong in my life. I am going to be cheerful. I am not going to belch like a trucker (apologies to any truckers, just steroetyping here), and I am not going thunder through the halls like my daddy owns this building!"
If it only it were that way. Instead, she berates the doorman if he doesn't immediatley recognize her (personally I think he does it for shits and giggles). "I live here! I tell you that everytime you ask me, 'Can I help you?'" She still cranks her tv up. And her new thing is this alarm clock that plays the theme to the Godfather at 6:00 am. Now I would be OK, but she hits snooze, and fucking Don Corleone walks into my bedroom every eight minutes for the next hour and a half! I have to get over there to talk to her about that. I always forget when I get home from work. But, I am reminded at 6:00 am every morning. Damn!

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

The Center Line

The rain drops fall, making the asphalt slick and oily. The wipers flail to my left, slapping me with water. The brine, running from my helmet to my lips, reminds me of rides past. Slipping between cars and buses, my speed is accentuated by the lack of a steel cage surrounding me. I am free.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Small joy of the day

On my way home tonight, I stopped off at Trader Joe's for some frozen vegetables and assorted meats. I like to hit that place every so often, especially when I can't make it to the local market before it closes. I threw all the frozen food in my bag, threw it on my back, and started pedalling. After about a minute, I noticed a nice, cool sensation across my back. It stayed with me for the rest of my all-too-short ride home. You just can't get that with panniers.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

My bank (Citizens) sucks

Yesterday I went to the bank to deposit our IRS refund check. It was made out to both my wife and me. I was the only one who endorsed the check, and they would not let me deposit the check into my account. Both parties have to sign the check. This makes banking inconvenient. If it is made to both of us, why can't only one of us endorse it for deposit? I could see if I were trying to cash the check, but I was trying to put it into my account.
This brings up another point. Three times now, we have tried to add my name to my wife's account and create a joint account. All three times we have left the bank with the assurances that my name is there, and that I will be able to make withdrawals, write checks, and everything else that an account holder can do. Then when I go to withdraw money from the account, the bank won't let me because my name is not on the account. I explain that my name should be on the account. They tell me I have to speak with customer service. Of course, customer service can't do anything because my wife is not there. And, to make matters worse, the account is still under her maiden name. That means she has tried to change her name on the account four times, and it has failed.
I am thinking that it would be easier to just close the accounts and walk across the street to start a new account with another bank.