Thursday, March 10, 2005

Hot water

The building in which I work has been without hot water for almost a month now. This is a building which has been recognized asa MRSEC Technology Center and houses multi-million dollar funded research groups. You would think that getting some new heating elements for the boilers would be no problem. But, this is the email that I get today:

"Their is no hot water in the building. The hot water generator is bad. The
unit needs to be replaced. Physical Pant [sic] is getting bids on a replacement.
I have no idea to the time frame."

This is also a building in which we have had to cover up some of our lab equipment because the floor drains from the lab above leak into our lab. Who the hell is running this? How hard is it to get a hot water heater or a replacement elbow joint for a floor drain?

Monday, March 07, 2005

The Shrew and Smoking

So, one of our guests remarked about the proliferation of cigarette butts outside of our doors that open onto the roof. It seems that whenever the Shrew goes outside of her unit to smoke, she just flicks the butts over in front of our door. I also noticed a few match books out on the roof as well. I am thinking of leaving a flower pot with the word ashtray painted on the side to see if she gets the hint. Now is the time to do it, sothat she is in the habit of using the pot before it gets to be spring and I actually want to go out on the roof for nice fresh air.

The same guest also asked if our neighbors had a baby, because we heard some noises that actually did sound a lot like a baby. It turns out that something minor and insignificant happened in the Shrew's life that set her off. She was squealing and grunting and sobbing and shouting the same words over and over. It really did sound like a two year-old with a limited vocabulary having a temper tantrum. We heard her boyfriend tell her to calm down a few times, but to no avail. She got so worked up that all he could do was grunt and breathe heavily. I really haven't seen this type of behavior except in mental patients and over-sugared toddlers. At least now people don't think were nuts for trying to sell our place.

Friday, March 04, 2005

F1 Season is Open

Practice started today for the Grand Prix of Australia in Melbourne. The start of a new season of fun. But, will I get to watch it live, no? I have to go to the bar on Sunday afternoon and catch the tape delay. I could watch it live, but I have a "social function" to host. My fault for not checking the calendar last month when this thing was put together. And damn Comcast for not carrying Speed TV on their Digital Package. Otherwise I could watch it at home, not at a bar. Sipping my 50 cent/bottle beer rather than $4 per draft beer. Damn the bars for greatly overcharging for cheap beer. Maybe I should bring a flask and nurse one beer all afternoon, while retiring to the bathroom every commercial to take a tipple of whisky.

Thursday, March 03, 2005

The Bad Plus

Has it really been four weeks? Hmmm.

I have been putting off picking up a CD by The Bad Plus for quite a few months now. But, thanks to my sister and her Border's gift card birthday present it has been accomplished. I got "These are the Vistas" because it was $8.00 cheaper than "Give." I had always heard good things about them, and had been looking for some jazz music that takes chances, but is still grounded in the classic style. That is what these guys are. They talk back and forth with some blistering pace and then quickly shift to reinforcing each other. Dissonance is their friend, but harmony is a little closer to their hips. And, hip they are.