Friday, February 21, 2014

Headed to home away from home

Philadelphia, that's my home away from home (Pawtucket). Love to get up there as often as possible. Were it not for a convoluted life story over the past seven years, I'd probably still be living there. Now, it is going to be bittersweet, because I would normally head up there to run with the Melon Monsters (ex-Biohazard Quarantine). But, with the knee injury, that won't be happening. It's a shame. I would love to run the Wissahickon or even on the streets of Philly. Would have been a lot of fun, but that will come. Just have to be patient, which is tough. Damn.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

PT Appointment Scheduled

Got my PT appointment scheduled at the running clinic within the Union Harbor Hospital facility. Looking forward to it, because I am going nuts without being able to run. I have already put on about 5 lbs, and have been suffering from Netflix fatigue at night. I tried the eucalyptical, but that did not go well, nor did the bike. Both caused pain in the knee within the first two minutes. On another positive note, the last two days have been the first two without pain while walking to and from work. I am taking that as a good sign, but I am scared as crap to run on it and re-inflame the IT band. I am seriously hoping that within a month, this again becomes my running blog.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Ortho results are in... IT band gets the square for the win. The MRI showed severe inflammation and fluid around the IT band. So, that is good news, right? No tears: structurally it looks "perfect". However, therapy will start with manual "freeing up" of the IT band... translation: pain. Can't wait.

Winter has always been my favorite season. Funny that I'm saying that as someone who loves golf as much as I do. But, really, for running, you can't beat winter. And, running is where I can leave it all behind... even the stress of a bad round of golf. So, when I can't run, I have discovered that winter sucks. I'd love to be out there, even if I were that chick who busted ass on that news report about running in the snow.

Hopefully things will start to turn around for me soon.