Thursday, January 12, 2006

Update and blogging for me?

I am not sure if blogging is good for me, but at least it gives me an outlet through which to vent. I have noticed that since I stopped blogging, I seem to have more stress. Now, that maybe because I stopped blogging due to all the shit that I have to do, which in turn could be the real source of my stress. But, hey, blogging can't hurt.

Now, in the past, most of my blog has dealt with the Shrew and her constant annoyance of my wife and me. Well, I am happy to report that we are Shrew free since July 15, 2005. We sold our condo and moved to a house that is still in the city limits. While I know the Shrew was a source of constant pain for me, she also gave me some great stories. I do kind of miss her in that respect.

We sold our condo to a med student at one fo the local universities here. Now, our condo had a Yahoo! group where people kvetched about various problems and issues. I am still a member on it, and I go there to read all the shit that makes me glad we left. One day I come across a post from our nextdoor neighbor, the quiet ones not the Shrew. Here is the post:

I am curious to know if there is a specific procedure for making
noise complaints and also if there are any condo association
penalties for being disruptively loud. It is currently 3:30 in the
morning and my neighbor's party is still going strong. I politely
asked that they keep the noise down and that produced no result. I
just went to the front desk, but the security guard told me that he
had already been up three times to ask my neighbor to quiet down
(apparently he had received other complaints) and there was little
left for him to do.

This post brought me great joy as it was obviously the guy to whom we sold the condo. Now, I feel bad for the quiet neighbors, but this also means that the Shrew had to deal with the noise all night long too! Awesome. Too bad that I haven't seen any more posts of that nature. I was hoping he would throw wild sex orgies every week, and drive the Shrew out. Vengeance is mine!

Blogging good for me?

I am not sure if blogging is good for me, but at least it gives me an outlet through which to vent. I have noticed that since I stopped blogging, I seem to have more stress. Now, that maybe because I stopped blogging due to all the shit that I have to do, which in turn could be the real source of my stress. But, hey, blogging can't hurt.

Now, in the past, most of my blog has dealt with the Shrew and her constant annoyance of my wife and me. Well, I am happy to report that we are Shrew free since July 15, 2005. We sold our condo and moved to a house that is still in the city limits. While I know the Shrew was a source of constant pain for me, she also gave me some great stories. I do kind of miss her in that respect.

We sold our condo to a med student at one fo the local universities here. Now, our condo had a Yahoo! group where people kvetched about various problems and issues. I am still a member on it, and I go there to read all the shit that makes me glad we left. One day I come across a post from our nextdoor neighbor, the quiet ones not the Shrew. Here is the post:

I am curious to know if there is a specific procedure for making
noise complaints and also if there are any condo association
penalties for being disruptively loud. It is currently 3:30 in the
morning and my neighbor's party is still going strong. I politely
asked that they keep the noise down and that produced no result. I
just went to the front desk, but the security guard told me that he
had already been up three times to ask my neighbor to quiet down
(apparently he had received other complaints) and there was little
left for him to do.

This post brought me great joy as it was obviously the guy to whom we sold the condo. Now, I feel bad for the quiet neighbors, but this also means that the Shrew had to deal with the noise all night long too! Awesome. Too bad that I haven't seen any more posts of that nature. I was hoping he would throw wild sex orgies every week, and drive the Shrew out. Vengeance is mine!