Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Ah, Wednesday

Spending 6 straight hours in front of one microscope or another is no fun. Especially when you aren't the one at the controls. I realize that I need to get trained on the confocal and FIB/SEM scopes, but I haven't had the time yet. I got quite bored watching the operators turn the knobs for focus and alignment. I'm not saying it would be fun to do that myself, but then at least my fingers are doing something.
I can't wait for the AU v. UGA game this weekend. I missed all of the email chat about the game amongst my friends because I was in the microscopy facility. It looked like it would have been interesting to throw my two cents in. But, it appears to have died down. That and I am dragging right now. There was no hot water for a shower in the entire building this morning. Without a shower, I just don't feel awake for the entire day. Hopefully I have one to look forward to after dinner.
The maintenance guy in our building was also supposed to be sanding the giant glob of spackle that he tried to pass off as a drywall patch. I know that I will probably have to bust it out of the wall, and repair it properly. Oh boy! When will I have the time? Plus it is in a really difficult location. Right up against the countertop. If he had just repaired it correctly when the countertop was out for the plumbing repair it would have been simple. I guess they don't have shows like "This Old House" in Romania!

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