Monday, April 14, 2014

Out to 3 miles

Had a good three-miler on Saturday morning. Took a friend down around the stadium and then briefly out to the harbor and back up Charles St to Koffee Therapy for a post-run iced coffee... black no sugar. Didn't feel anything with my knee during the run, but then I was distracted with conversation. However, while doing lunges later that night, I could feel some snapping across the tibial tray of my right knee, which has been where I have consistently felt the pulling on other runs. Still have a weird feeling there this morning. I am going to hold off until tomorrow on running so that I can run with RG3 that night.

In other news, it was great to see PC have its first true home track meet this past weekend. How that program has manged to draw great runners and thrive without facilities is a testament to the coaches there. They have had some great runners while schlepping about, trying to find time on other local tracks. Great news for them: PC Gets a Track

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