Thursday, April 03, 2014

First day back on the road

Wednesday was the first day back out on the road. I never did get the video gait re-analysis, but the PT cleared me for about six to eight miles per week, running every other day, nothing over three miles. I did two miles in the morning yesterday. It was a great temperature for it because I didn't really get warmed up. I felt some slight pulls across the front of my knee, but no pain. I ran straight down Eutaw, then around and through Camden Yards on Eutaw, which was open. It was a nice easy pace, no watch.

The toughest thing was focusing on several form aspects at once: Keeping my hips level and under me, keeping each foot in its own lane, keeping my stride under me rather than reaching out too far, and keeping my arms swinging evenly and out to the side rather than across my body. I couldn't even enjoy the scenery... OK the litter around Lexington Market and such... it was just a constant checking of form in my mind. I know it will eventually become second nature. The T-Rex will soon be extinct.

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