Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Not doing as well as I thought would.

Following up my last post... Apparently the "pinched nerve" in my toe has turned out to be something else. When it happened, it felt just like the start of my previous neuroma. However after running on Sunday, it was apparent that something else was going on. The pain in my toe was rather bad at 0.25 miles, dull at 0.5 miles, and gone after 1 mile. Great. I did a nice 6.25 miles at 7:10 pace into a stiff headwind for half of the loop. When I got home, the top of my toe, extending onto the top of my foot was swollen and bruised. Funny, because it really hadn't bothered me for the last 5.25 miles. Oh well, I'll try to baby it as much as possible.

Miles: 6.25
Calories burned: 686 Calories consumed: 1400 (Carb: 0.70, Fat: 0.22, Prot: 0.08)

Monday - I had every intention of running, but work got in the way of that. I was at an ISPE conference in Baltimore, and I had to take care of stuff in the lab after that. Which left me about 15 minutes before I had to be at Capital Grille for a dinner with fellow speakers from the conference. I didn't even keep track of calories, as it would not have been pretty.

Tuesday - Kind of the same story as above, including leftovers from Capital Grille. Same damaging calorie count.

Wednesday - Winter storm Saturn is hitting, which is really just a fizzled out storm that is alternating between rain and snow. Wind is brutal though. Tonight will be an elliptical evening, I swear.

At least my toe has been getting some rest.

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