Sunday, March 03, 2013

I have recently started reading the book Faster than Forty, which was given to me on my recent 37th birthday by my sister. Faster than Forty is first-hand account of what it took one ex-college runner to make it to Masters level champion at the age of 40. It logs his training regimen, discusses methods (both his and those of others), diet, inspiration, and pain. One of the most striking things about the book, was that the dedication of the primary author, Mark Gomes, to documenting his training. Every mile, whether it was on the streets or on the stairs was recorded and analyzed. As scientist, I can appreciate this, and that is what I would like to try to do with this space. Henceforth, the Parched Problematic Porter will serve as a space for me to document my journey from 37-year old scientist/distance runner/cranky-ex-Rho-Dielander to a 40-year old scientist/hopefully better distance runner/still-cranky-ex-Rho-Dielander.

This morning, I awoke with two notable pains in my toes after a 13-mile run yesterday through Baltimore. That was my first run over 9 miles in distance since about early-December. Lots of little injuries (some precipitated by indoor soccer) and illnesses have impeded progress.

The first pain is in my right foot. At about mile 10, I pulled up with what I can only describe as a pinched nerve under the third toe on my right foot. I have had this before, on the left foot, and it actually devolved into a self-diagnosed neuroma that was rather painful. I now officially blame my current set of Newton shoes for this issue. When I experienced the last one, it was when I had started going over 10 miles in my Newtons. Eventually I went back to an old set of Nike Free shoes, and the problem went away. Now, back in Newtons for a longer run, and bang another nerve issue. Like someone sticking a knife up between my toe and the ball of my foot. I was rotating shoes, but now it appears that I may have to ditch the Newtons and stick with the Frees. They're cheaper anyway.

The second pain is on left foot; what may be the start of athlete's foot between my big and second toes. Ahhh Trichophyton, you little bastard. The perils of running and training. At least this one is easy to fix.

Miles run: 13 (Canton, Downtown, Fed Hill)
Calories burned: 1457
Calories consumed: 2631 (Carb: 0.47, Fat: 0.41, Prot: 0.12)

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