Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Finally a Tuesday without Rain, but with Some Double IPAs

It has seemed recently to be raining every Tuesday evening. That's typically my RG3 running night. Now, it hasn't stopped some of us from running regularly, but it has sucked when you get to Social Pub and Pie in a damp state (from something other than sweat, anyway). Last night was a nice night, probably in the mid-60's when I left the apartment and ran over to Fed Hill, then down to the UA Factory prior to meeting the group. I was able to get 11.3 miles in, out of a target of 12. Work got in the way as I had to wait for a few documents to get reviewed before leaving. I skipped the pizza and beer typical of Tuesday nights to be able to finish up an article that was due that night. It took until 11:00 pm for all reviews and tweaks to be finished, but the final piece went out on time.

I find that I write my best, or at least my most prolific, when I've had a beer or two. Last night was a homebrewed rosemary double IPA that a friend made. That 22 oz'er kicked my ass after running, and it put me in the right frame of mind to handle the writing and editing that was before me.

Finished the evening by finally completing my viewing of the Amstel Gold Race from Sunday. I had fallen asleep the night before while watching it, thanks to another great double IPA: Revival Brewing's Double Black IPA - Chinook vs. Sorachi Ace.

What a phenomenal beer. Dark, with a bit of sweetness, and not overly bitter. At 8.5% it definitely gave a warm feeling afterwards. I picked up a single bottle of this on recommendation from Countryside Liquors in Pawtucket. I wish I had listened and picked up a full six. Oh well, next time I'm in RI, I'll have that on my list of "bring backs" to MD.