Tuesday, October 14, 2014

About to start stretching the mileage

I think I now have the confidence in my IT band that I can start stretching my mileage a bit. I have been hovering at 30 - 33 miles per week for a month and a half, now. I definitely won't go beyond the 10% per week (or per long run).

I'm starting to feel good about the upcoming season. This weekend will be my first 10k in over a year, The South Foster Volunteer Fire Company 10k. It sounds like a fun race. That part of RI will hopefully still have some fall colors, and we get to run over the only covered bridge on public roads in the state, The Swamp Meadow Bridge. Of course, the bridge was built in 1994, as a replica of an early 19th-century bridge. It was built by volunteers from locally-sourced logs.

After the run, I plan on taking my mom and dad, who will hopefully be there as spectators, to Jerimoth Hill, the highest point in RI. At 812 feet, it's not exactly all that impressive, but as a native RI-er, I have never been there. No school field trips, or anything like that. So, I am taking this opportunity to do it now.

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