Friday, January 09, 2015

Running on ice, snow, pavement...

Baltimore, probably more so than other cities in the Northeast, is plagues by abandoned buildings, even in the heart of downtown. I happen to live in an apartment building, converted old warehouse, that is surrounded by these abandos. This results in a high percentage of uncleared sidewalks whenever it snows. Given that the temperatures haven't gotten above 30 for the past three days, there hasn't really been a chance for any of them to melt. People walk over the snow, compacting it into ice. As one might imagine, this does not make for the ideal running surface. I almost gave up on my run on Wednesday after three straight blocks of treacherous footing. Thankfully, the Inner Harbor usually provides a respite from this blight. The city cares enough about tourism that they work to keep most of the promenade clear, even when tourists are unlikely to be strolling in 18 F weather. I headed down there on Wednesday and got some nice run without having to pick my way across pedestrian-rutted ice.

Last night, a buddy and I decided to take the opposite approach, we headed to Druid Hills Park. North Charles is usually pretty clear, given a higher occupancy rate, but you still encounter the occasional lazy business owner who hasn't bothered to clear his/her sidewalk. The Jones Falls Trail was not clear, but it also wasn't all that well traveled, which resulted in plenty of loose snow to afford solid footing. We found that the city had plowed the back roads in the park, even those that were gated to prevent vehicle traffic. However, the loop around the reservoir wasn't down to bare pavement, there were spots of snow, ice, and pavement. We had just finished a conversation on how it wasn't so bad as long as you didn't try to change direction or stop suddenly. Of course, my next step found me trying to change direction to get to a slightly clearer track. I got my weight over my right foot, which just happened to hit the icy transition of pavement to snow. I went down in yard-sale fashion, but Matt described it as very graceful. I splayed arms and legs, much like a wrestler who has fallen victim to a single leg take down attempt, hit and rolled in the snow. I bounced up unscathed, and we continued on. Oddly enough, it happened right in front of a city surveillance camera on the path, so hopefully I gave some city worker a good laugh, if they're monitoring that sort of thing.

Afterwards, a beer and grilled cheese at Maisy's... always a good place to stop post run. And, I must say that I have yet to taste a boring beer from Union Craft Brewing. Even their Anthem American Golden Ale... which should be a boring beer, is spot-on tasty. This brewery really stands out to me among the growing beer culture of Baltimore. Run Local/Drink Local.

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